Statement One of the goals in agriculture is higher and more improved and diversified production. In order to achieve this multi-disciplinary approach the application of science and technology in the development of agriculture is necessary. Science cannot be applied to solve problems of food etc. without bringing the related disciplines together. Just as a single discipline may have a variety of applications in multiplicity of programmes, so does a single programme involve multiplicity of scientific disciplines for its successful culmination. In fact, agriculture in intrinsically amenable to such an approach. The responsibility of research and development in agriculture lies mainly with the Agricultural Universities, Central Institutes of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and the State Departments of Agriculture. In Mizoram, Agricultural Universities had not yet been established. However, there is an urgent need to conduct Fundamental Research and Applied Research in many fields which could not be covered by ICAR Regional Centre situated at Kolasib.It is the mission of the Directorate of Agriculture (R& E) to satisfy the need for research works through the seven (7) Krishi Vigyan Kendras established under the seven (7) Districts of Mizoram. Side by side the Adaptive Research which is the process of leading research to its production goal and which requires extensive experimentation in the choice of technology, will also be carried out by the KVKs. Future development of research activities by establishment of Research Centre which is fully controlled by the state to cater to the specific need of the state is also the future vision of the department.
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